Blogger news


Monday, 26 October 2015

Airbus' Concorde 2:Supersonic jet that could fly from New York to London in just one hour .

  • This passenger plane could travel at 4.5 times the speed of sound
  • Plane comprises three different types of engine, powered by different form of hydrogen, would work together to propel the vehicle at speeds of 3,425mph (5,500km/h).
  • Two turbo jets would allow the jet to climb vertically at take-off.
  • A rocket motor would then take it to an altitude of 100,000ft (30,000 metres). 
  • The wing-mounted ramjets would then take control to push the jet to its final speed.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Cyborg Drummer: How a Robot Hand Gave a Musician ...

        In 2012, the drummer Jason Barnes was cleaning an exhaust duct when he was electrocuted by 22,000 volts of electricity. He lost his right hand and believed his days as a

Friday, 23 October 2015


  • Humans will be very different creatures 1,000 years from now.
  • Climate change, artificial intelligence and genetic mutations are all set to transform our bodies in drastic ways, according to a recent video.
  • We could for instance, develop red eyes as our DNA mutates, and have darker skin as an evolutionary response to global warming.